Electro-acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) is a technique that merges traditional acupuncture concepts with electrical measurement to assess the body’s energy meridians. According to this approach, each acupuncture point is associated with specific organs and bodily functions. By measuring the electrical resistance at these points, EAV aims to identify imbalances or disruptions in the body’s natural energy flow, suggesting potential health issues. Developed by Dr. Reinhold Voll in the mid-20th century, EAV is based on the idea that optimal health is maintained by the balanced flow of energy, and disruptions in this flow can indicate or lead to health problems.
Dr. Reinhold Voll (1909–1989), a German physician and researcher, revolutionized holistic medicine by introducing Electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV) and Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS). These innovative methods merge traditional acupuncture principles with electrical measurements to assess the body's energetic imbalances, emphasizing a holistic approach to health.